Board members Debora Allen and Liz Ames, who did not vote for the agreements, as well as some members of the public, said they wanted to postpone ratification until more is known about the fiscal realities for the next three years, and expressed skepticism about the timing and financial prudence of the negotiations. The contracts, which run from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024, will not prevent the agency from downsizing as needed to fill its budget deficit due to revenue shortfalls during the coronavirus. By setting the terms of the contract at 3 years (and not at 4 years based on the terms of the previous contract), the future contract is negotiated in another election year. Changes to the working rules, which were at the heart of the 2013 contract negotiations, have been completely abandoned. Important e-beard reforms introduced by former CEO Grace Crunican have been reversed. Although the implementation of new contracts significantly increases fiscal stability, it does not exclude the possibility of re-examining solutions to reduce the costs of BART`s budgetary crisis. The agreement contains specific language that gives the parties the opportunity to agree on the reopening of the contract if additional savings are needed to avoid layoffs. Bart`s management and union leadership continue to work collaboratively to properly assess the workforce based on current economic conditions, but this in times of uncertainty will continue to be a challenge. “So I come here with a question: the current employment contract with its represented employee groups does not expire until July 1, 2021. So why did the district reach an early deal with so many economic unknowns? Ratifying the new collective agreements more than six months before they expire next June reduces uncertainty in union negotiations, offers greater financial stability and potentially reduces the likelihood or scale of future layoffs, officials said. Contra Costa County – On Thanksgiving Night, BART announced a temporary employment contract with its represented groups after secret negotiations during the BART directors` campaign elections. The agreement is to be implemented at its meeting on Thursday 3 December.

Shockingly, this contract was negotiated without public notice and occurred during an active campaign for BART directors. While the administrators negotiated with the BART unions on the one hand, they asked the same unions for campaign donations on the other. This is an outrageous injection of policy into an extremely coherent employer-employee agreement. The agreement also avoids notoriously delicate negotiations between the agency`s management and the nearly 3,300 railway operators, maintenance professionals, mechanics, station attendants and other key workers represented by the three unions. The deal does not rule out layoffs or new negotiations on cuts to avoid them, said Shana Dines, BART`s director of labor. Last week, BART`s board approved an incentive plan to encourage employees to retire. If the plan does not attract enough applicants, there could be layoffs or unions could accept further cuts to avoid them – from wage cuts to increased benefit contributions to unpaid leave. Below is a list of collective agreements (or AppendiceS A) of the unions that are signatories from the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District to the Major Projects Project Stabilization Agreement. BART requests regularly updated CBAs from signatory unions, and updates to this section will be made available as additional information is received. If you need to provide up-to-date information, please contact us at board members have quickly agreed with the public that these agreements do not prevent the county from considering service reductions or layoffs if not enough people accept the pension incentive plan agreed to last month or if the number of users returns more slowly than expected.
